I have been totally struck by the beauty of Autumn in Ohio this year. We usually get a pretty good week or two of pretty leaves but this year has been a stunner! Bright reds and golden yellows are everywhere I look. While all these lovely, warm colors have been going on I've been working on several other paintings and I finally made some time to sit down and paint something inspired by the cozy season.
This is just a little cabin in the woods that I saw a picture of and it got me dreaming of staying there. Imagine that - a secluded cabin with no internet access and plenty of space from the nearest city. A cozy place to sleep and read and miles of golden wilderness all around. That's what I was daydreaming about while I was creating this little piece.
Painted with Daniel Smith and Winsor and Newton Watercolors on Arches Watercolor Paper. For links to my favorite tools and materials for watercolor painting check out my Kit Page.
Here are the main colors that I used for the painting:
Daniel Smith Fine Watercolors Naples Yellow
Daniel Smith Fine Watercolors New Gamboge
Daniel Smith Fine Watercolors Van Dyke Brown
Daniel Smith Fine Watercolors Raw Sienna
The two brushes I used:
Princeton Neptune Round Size 6
Princeton Neptune Round Size 2
And here's some pictures of the process - enjoy! There's also a time lapse video at the bottom, so scroll down to see that!

I hope you've really enjoyed seeing my creative process and I hope you'll come back for more next time I paint more nature-inspired goodness! Get on my email list to see all of my newest art and updates! You can sign up here.
You can purchase the original Cozy Woodland Cabin painting here in my shop. Prints are not available yet but will be soon and for a short time only!
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