When I first started doing art fairs and farmers markets I just used the sandbag weights that I still see a lot of people using. Those are fine for some very light wind, but they're not going to stop your tent from flying in any inclement weather - they are only 10 pounds at the most. While you hope never to be in such a situation sometimes storms come unexpectedly, and you need to be prepared for that. I've heard many stories of tents rolling, destroying merchandise and potentially injuring people. Do yourself and those around your booth a favor by stepping up your safety game with 40 pound weights. A lot of events actually require bigger weights.
I'm a mildly handy person and I was able to put these together quite easily. I'll break it down for you below - the process is quite simple.

4 sections of 4 inch PVC pipe each cut to 2.5 feet long
4 - PVC cap that fits your pipe - it should be flat, not rounded so that you can stand it upright.
4 - ½” x 8” eye bolt w/nuts
Concrete mix like Quickrete
Bucket for mixing
4 - Metal handles (optional), plus long screws
Assembling the weights
- If using handles, drill holes and attach the handles to the center of the pipe using long screws
- Find a place to work such as a garage or driveway with relatively flat ground.
- Place the pipes into the endcaps so they sit upright
Suspend the bolts with the nuts attached over the pipe by sticking something such as a dowel through the eye so that it sits on the lip of the pipe
- Mix concrete and pour into the pipes one at a time. Keep upright until the concrete is completely set
How to attach your weights to your tent
I use ratchet straps to attach the weights to my tent - the ratchet straps I use. Simply hook one end of the strap onto the eye bolt in the weight and the other onto your tent - my tent has a plastic hook, but you could attach it to most any part of the frame as well. The ratchet straps are convenient because you can set the length and make then very secure, and they hook and unhook easily.

I fully suspend the weights so they are just off the ground. In the photo (above) you can see I use bungie cords like these to keep the weight from moving around.
I hope this was helpful for you, if you have any questions feel free to let me know. I wish you the best with your art fair setup!